Upcoming Events
UHC Monthly Meeting
This month, we will be speaking with Eric Ekman from McGuire Group about both their development proposal for the LaSalle ETOD project and their newly built Rails apartment complex.
You can either attend in person or virtually using Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84487843330?pwd=cnlRUEY3UU5wTkt1WmphTXpCVWRUUT09
November UHC Community Meeting
Lassalle eTOD RFP Update from the City of Buffalo
Update from Chief Mcalister
Update from UB
Update from Councilmember Wyatt
In person @ Gloria J. Parks Community center or via Zoom
University Heights Collaborative's Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID 844 8784 3330
Invite Link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84487843330?pwd=cnlRUEY3UU5wTkt1WmphTXpCVWRUUT09
Early Voting Extravaganza
Block Party with DJ music, food & drinks, lawn games, and more!
UHC Monthly Meeting
This is a UHC meeting
[Agenda or general description of UHC meetings would go here.]